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Kick-start Your Maker Journey With Fun Life Hacks

two blue wooden pots

Kick-start Your Maker Journey With Fun Life Hacks

Life hacks are fun and practical at the same time. But, did you know that using life hacks actually make you a maker?

Hold up! What’s making again? 

Making is exactly what it sounds like. Making your own things rather than buying them. It’s the same with cooking your own meals at home. You’ll be in control of the materials you want to use, the quality of your creation, and even the pace at which you make it. Life hacks to help you in your home, are also a part of making.

Sure, it might seem cheaper or easier to buy something mass produced in a factory that can price to scale. Here’s the thing though, usually that means it’s made from some cheap not so environmentally friendly material. It’s time to care about what you use in every aspect of your life. Life hacks are not just fun and practical, they can also help you when you don’t have time to buy something to fix a problem. I’ve compiled a few here that’ll kick-start your maker journey.

Useful Life Hacks

pot lid holder life hack
Source: Batmaid Blog

Towel Rack Pot Lid Holder – sometimes there just isn’t enough space in your kitchen, especially if you like to cook and have a bunch of pots and pans. The problem is they don’t always store away together nicely. Those pesky lids are always making things awkward. Stick up a towel rack on the wall or inside of a cabinet and use it to store the lids while you easily fit the pots in the cupboard.

Laundry Basket Stencil – want to decorate the walls in your bathroom or bedroom? An old laundry basket is the perfect stencil. If the shapes are holes shaped like circles then you can have polka dot walls easily! Just cut out one side of it and tape it up against the wall as you paint over it.

hanging bike rack life hack
Source: Rackmaven

Hanging Bike Rack – if you value your bicycle, as well as the things around it, you’re going to want to have a proper way of storing it. Here’s a simple idea. Hang up a simple clothing/towel rail like you have in your bathroom. (make sure it’s strong enough to hold something heavier than a towel) Next attach some Husky Hang-all Straps to the rail. You’re done!

Rain Gutter Shelves – need a simple, yet attractive, way of storing books for your children? Get some rain gutters and set them up at an accessible level for your kids. Simple, fun, and stops the books from falling off.

crate shelf life hack
Source: Mr. Kate

Wooden Crate Shelves – yes! More shelves! Sand, lacquer, and paint some wooden crates. Drill them into a wall around a mirror, painting, or picture and you have an awesome chic set up!

Life Hacks and Making

So life hacks and easy DIY are making ideas that you can do all by yourself in the comfort of your home. If you want to level up your making skills, there are places that you can go or equipment you can purchase that’ll get you started. From simple laminating machines to 3D printers and laser cutters, there are so many things that you can do. You can have them at home or use them at a makerspace. WIth a makerspace, the range of projects you can undertake are endless. You can 3D print, laser cut, solder, build robots, sew, work with wood, and even invent! A makerspace can take so many different forms, and be so many different things to everyone depending on their wants and needs. 

If you’re looking for a makespace to help you with your projects in Bangkok, click here to contact us at Digital Playhouse.